The Ramp Group, a local digital UX agency, is co-hosting an event on Wednesday with ...
PPMG’s New Creative Director
Posted on May 27th, 2008
PPMG is very pleased to have David O’Higgins on our team as our new Creative Director. Dave has played a key role in developing some of the world’s largest brands such as: Ford Motors brand in France and the American Express Blue Card in the US. He has extensive brand development experience with fortune 100 [...]
PPMG speaks at BizJam in Seattle on July 10th
Posted on May 27th, 2008
Jason Levine, PPMG’s Executive Director, will be speaking to independent business owners about marketing and brand at BizJam Seattle in Seattle on July 10th. His presentation entitled, Marketing Yourself as a Brand and Branding Yourself as a Business, will cover practical and strategic ways to elevate your company as a branded business. You will learn [...]
Should the medium drive the message?
Posted on May 2nd, 2008
For nearly half a century, consumer culture has been influenced by the notion that the “medium is the message.” Superficially understood, however, this cultural truism has become a straight-jacket for digital communication. In their infancies, new media technologies are short-sightedly diagrammed by their moving parts rather than imagined according to the sum of those parts. [...]