Monthly Archives: September 2008

6 Sites Proving Color Is Not Dead

Posted on September 22nd, 2008

Color usage on the web is commonly compromised and subdued. Using vibrancy and high-contrast in a site design are usually difficult for many clients to be willing to take as risks. Here are six sites which stand out as exceptional examples of the chromatic making a bold and strong statement about their brands.  Radu Ceuca Refresh the [...]

PPMG Announces New UK Design Service

Posted on September 12th, 2008

Perfect Pixels Media Group announced today that they are opening a design and production service focused specifically on businesses in the United Kingdom that are looking to cut costs while not compromising quality. Taking advantage of the weak US dollar, UK companies can now partner with an overseas high-end design studio that is still culturally [...]

Working in a Virtual Team (Part Two: Remote Resource Management)

Posted on September 2nd, 2008

Happy Designers makes for happy clients and even happier PMs. When working in a remote studio situation it is important that the Designer’s personality is taken into consideration just as much as his style and skill set when assigning projects. It is also imperative that the Project Manager knows the capabilities, speed, and expertise of [...]