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PPMG Featured in Fuel Your Branding

Posted on September 11th, 2009

Fuel Your Branding is a great online magazine about branding and design. We were recently interviewed by them talking about using digital media to enhance your brand. Here’s an excerpt:

FYB: What about when the CEO wants to to see the numbers?
Jason: The problem with brand marketing on the web is that people want ROI. They want to see clicks that lead to conversions. It’s incredibly hard to quantify. Everyone wants a million hits on YouTube. Anything less is somehow not acceptable. They immediately want high traffic and what they often get is a slow curve of overall acceptance and awareness.

There is a choice every company makes; to be a direct marketing company or a branded company. If you want to be a branded company that does direct marketing you can. But you can’t be a direct marketing company that attempts branding. The brand has to come first.”

Read the full article here:

On a related note, we also received a mention in Techvibes in regards to our new partnership with a great dev house, Appnovation.